
Friday, March 15, 2013

Bicitoro - Next Stop on the Woodsmoke & Ash Blog Tour

One thing I've enjoyed about the Woodsmoke & Ash blog tour is that I've gotten a chance to explore and share some of the more in-depth ideas and techniques in my design process.  Ann Weaver asked me to write about modifying mens patterns to fit women; on the Hazel Knits blog I got to describe one of my favorite toe-up sock finishing techniques (a whip stitched hemmed cuff), and this week I get to go on and on about stitch patterns and why they matter not only to the appearance of a finished object, but also to its functionality.  It's a topic I find endlessly fascinating, so head on over to the Bicitoro blog to add to the discussion.  I'm super curious what other people think about stitch pattern choices, and if you comment, you could win a copy of the book!

While you're there, check out the rest of the blog, especially if you have any interest in sewing, crafts, bicycles, or all three.  

PS. I finished knitting my Kalaloch leggings in Hazel Knits DK Lively and they're blocking now!  I'll share pictures as soon as they're dry.  Plus, don't forget you can come see them in person at Vogue Knitting Live Seattle in the Hazel Knits booth.

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